Development mechanical seals

Development mechanical seals

A design process for different type of mechanical seals

Since its foundation, at the beginning of XIX century, Huhnseal has always been dedicated to development mechanical seals. This kind of activity is entrusted to a team of high trained people, who work constantly with a great passion and using all deep knowledge, acquired over time, of the reference sector.

How Huhnseal develops its mechanical seals?

To be known internationally for its good manufacturing practice, Huhnseal commit itself to choose the best material available on the market, other than the newest technologies. This approach allows to the company to propose a development of high-end mechanical seals, which offer many advantages to all customer, such, for example, those regarding the following aspects:

  • Great longevity
  • Resistance at the extreme temperatures
  • Excellent reliability
  • Easy to be repair
  • Double seals with buffer sealing water

Which are the mechanical seals developed?

The many kinds of enterprise’s customer need different articles to complete their industrial processes. Precisely for this reason, Huhnseal offers them a development of a wide range of mechanical seals, extremely useful in different types of applications, such volumetric pumps, vertical and horizontal agitators, mixers and centrifugal pumps. Among the many items inside the company’s catalogue, in fact, you will find these following models:

Development mechanical seals

Further information?

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