Using a high quality mechanical seal, made with the best materials such as those chosen by Huhnseal, allows to obtain several advantages:
- There are no "visible" fluid losses, as the losses are reduced or present only in the form of steam, generated when the lubricant of the fluid film comes into contact with the sealing faces;
- Reduced periodic maintenances;
- During normal operation, bearing contamination is reduced as the lubricant is not affected by leakages and friction. Equipment are less affected by corrosion if the product is kept inside the machinery;
- This technology also allows to create seals that can guarantee the vacuum sealing, which normally represents a challenge because air is sucked out by the pump;
- The reduction of product waste results in reduced costs; even water is an increasingly valuable resource.
In addition, Huhnseal mechanical seals for pumps offer a wide range of advantages such as:
- extended duration
- great reliability
- water and energy saving
- excellent cooling
- reduced machine downtimes and maintenance frequency.